Sam Brownback has attempted to amend the bill to make the bill more palatable. The bill should be completely opposed. The Republican Party is a complete failure. Brownback is no more able to articulate why this bill is wrong than his Democrat counterparts are able to defend this intellectually. This is all emotionally driven. Brownback is simply giving us the light version of the Democrat/Left-wing hate crimes legislation. We should all be happy now? Yeaaaaa! Only a portion of my American liberties have been lost?The Senate measure says a person commits a hate crime when he "willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability of any person."
The penalty for a hate crime could be as much as 10 years in prison or, in some cases, up to a life sentence.
The legislation would authorize the U.S. attorney general to provide assistance to state and local officials in the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes.
The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is quoted in the article.
"In addition, the Brownback amendment doesn't resolve other inherent problems in the bill," Duke said. "The bill still elevates homosexuality and other aberrant sexual behaviors to a specially protected class, and it still creates an opportunity for the prosecution of thought. Consequently, while we appreciate the protection that Senator Brownback gained for people of faith, the hate crimes bill is still inappropriate legislation and should be defeated."The article also states,
The amendment also is unclear in defining who would fit the categories of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity," ERLC President Richard Land said in a July 16 letter urging Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky to oppose the legislation. "While the American Psychiatric Association lists roughly 30 sexual orientations, including pedophilia, the term 'sexual orientation' is unspecified in the bill, and 'gender identity' is only loosely defined," Land wrote."Loosely defined" bills like this are bad news. With irrational judges, who reject the created order and the law of God, sitting on benches attempting to define loosely defined laws, Conservatives in general and Christians in particular better get ready for the many lawsuits that are coming our way.
The culture war has only increased in measure since the 60s. How could a bill like this help Americans to "get along"? My prediction is that this bill will only inflame the culture war. Eventually, when enough people are sued, people will turn to violence.
One thing I have learned over the years is that wars don't start over night. The Revolutionary War, The Civil War and other wars didn't start the day congress got into the mix. Wars escalate to the point of forcing governments to be involved. This is all the worse because the government is now taking sides. It appears to me that the Political Left wants a war. I wonder if they'll be able to finish it.
"Hate Bill" Favoritism
If "hate bill"-obsessed Congress can't protect Christians from "gays" as much as it wants to protect "gays" from Christians, will Congress be surprised if it can't protect itself from most everyone? If "hate bills" are forced on captive Americans, they'll still find ways to sneakily continue to "plant" Biblical messages everywhere. By doing so they'll hasten God's judgment on their oppressors as revealed in Proverbs 19:1. (See related web items including "David Letterman's Hate, Etc.," "Separation of Raunch and State," "Michael the Narc-Angel," and "Bible Verses Obama Avoids.") Since Congress can't seem to legislate "morality," it's making up for it by legislating "immorality"!
Spoken like a morally objective neutral person, who despises the Constitution.
"they'll still find ways to sneakily continue to "plant" Biblical messages everywhere. By doing so they'll hasten God's judgment on their oppressors as revealed in Proverbs 19:1."
Interesting view of judgment.
As I pointed out before, the secret tribunals already exist in Canada. This bill more than paves the way for us to be just like them. The Inquisition done by Leftists instead.
Personally, I don't really think the Politically Left leadership gives one rip about the homosexuals. They are simply a vehicle that enables them to pass laws in order to keep their political opponents in court. When that fails, just start a witch hunt.
This is exactly what led to the Salem Witch trials. People were suing each other constantly as a political tool for ridding their opponents. Eventually, that leads to violent and weird tactics.
Look at Sarah Palin. She isn't even in office anymore and yet Political Left is still trying to make sure she is buried 30 feet under. No Kill Bill survival for her.
Where do you think this is all headed? Peace? Peace only comes after victory. How far is the Political Left willing to go?
Howard, you're a pretty awful person. So let's say someday your wife gets fed up with you and drowns you. In the United States we don't really try to rehabilitate criminals, so we throw her in a cage to "teach her a lesson". Assuming all things equal, when she gets out she probably isn't going to hurt anyone else. She just hated you (understandably).
But let's say your hatemongering children go around kicking gays in the face. If we lock them up for kicking one gay in the face, there are still other gays they might kick in the face because their hatred is non-specific. They don't hate Mr. Gay who lives across the street. They hate gays.
I don't care who you hate or for what reason, but if you're an ongoing threat to a large group of people who haven't done anything to you-- well, it might be good to stick you in jail for longer. This isn't the thought police. This is protection. For you, for me, for all of us who are part of a group. As you make your "oh man, I hope the left starts a war so I can kill them and be morally justified" commentary of "Christ-backed" hatred, realize that this legislation would help lock up people who hated you for just being Conservative. I'm sure you're a fan of such ideas.
"Howard, you're a pretty awful person."
"But let's say your hatemongering children go around kicking gays in the face."
This is what gets me. You may spew all the hatred you like, and you are somehow above it all.
"I don't care who you hate or for what reason, but if you're an ongoing threat to a large group of people who haven't done anything to you-- well, it might be good to stick you in jail for longer."
As I demonstrated in a previous post, this is already happening.
You think I am a hate monger simply because we disagree. The fact you are not able to demonstrate a foundation for your position nor are you able to defend your position nor have you even tried speaks loudly. You are right and I am wrong because you say so. Might makes right seems to be the foundation for your position.
The fact is we are all sinners. I no more "hate" gays than I do adulterers. Yet I have spoken out far more against adultery than against homosexuality (perhaps not on this Blog). In fact, when I have been privileged to preach in churches, I have never spoken about homosexuality. I have written about it here because of the political situations that have arisen. I don't think adulterers have been trying to gain a special right to be wicked. Then again, the courts have said sex between consenting adults is legal. Could you imagine trying to legislate against adultery? People like you would have a cow? (BTW, when I was in the military, the military did prosecute personnel that cheated on their spouses. I think that is the right thing to do, but I digress.)
Your hatred for me is irrational. I realize that from your far off distant vantage point, you see no difference between myself and someone like Fred Phelps (a cultist). So I can't really blame your ignorance. How many on the conservative side see all homosexuals with the viewpoint that they behave like some in the gay day parades. Most homosexuals are not like that, so we must be careful in how we approach this topic.
When I have written about here, I am mainly dealing with its legality and the redefining of marriage and the perversion of the created order. For you, just taking a rational, logical, Trinitarian Christian Biblical viewpoint is evil. Your responses are purely emotional.
The irony is that you seem to think that opposing sexual immorality was only done by Christians that have had political power, when in fact, Christians in the first few centuries opposed abortion, sexual immorality, idolatry among other things and were put to death. I firmly stand with them. It seems to me that if this were the first/second century of Christianity, you would be standing on the side of those who burned Christians (btw, there were no liberal Christians) at the stake.
Yet I don't see Christian conservatives kicking gays. There is a simple reason. We are of a different kingdom while living in this passing age/world. As a dual citizen I must always keep in mind that as a Christian I must love my neighbors and at the same time warn them of the judgments of God. Be they thieves, adulterers, fornicators, polygamists, axe murderers or whatever. God has instituted the Church for one purpose and the state for another.
I did want to make a separate comment on this quote.
"As you make your "oh man, I hope the left starts a war so I can kill them and be morally justified" commentary of "Christ-backed" hatred, realize that this legislation would help lock up people who hated you for just being Conservative."
First, I'm hardly a fan of such ideas. You are reading into my words you're hatred of me and those you associate with me.
My point was simple but could easily be missed which is why I tried to provide an example from history. So I'll use a recent example.
Although those who promote President Obama as some kind of unifier, such is the opposite. If you noticed during his...thing...the other night. He got very excited when commenting on something he was admittedly ignorant of. He slammed the Cambridge police officers and use the situation in order to do what I call race baiting. Obama is anything but a unifier. His positions and comments will not bring about peace, and they are not intended to. The more he attempts to pass laws that silence free speech, the more both sides of the political realm will oppose one another.
So now we will have the Salem situation on a national level. People could easily sue each other and judges will play a vital role in the culture wars (as if they didn't already).
Is this really bringing unity? President Obama and the political Left have a hatred for this country and the freedoms that we have had. I understand the "big corporation" problems and monopoly problems they pose to a truly free market system. But replacing one big monster with another big monster called government and an anti-Semitic left wing government at that, isn't the solution. (Remember Reagan breaking up monopolies to protect free enterprise?)
Anyway, I am digressing a little. The point is that the political Left is not unifying our country with the advancement of their "protection laws". They are advancing a fight that I am wondering will lead to violence down the road. I am not excited about this at all. I am simply making a political observation from things I have learned over the years.
Either way, I am a citizen of the Kingdom of Christ and His Kingdom is not of this world/age. Nevertheless, I have to live here too. :-)
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