Monday, November 20, 2006


Newsmax reports:

Former Attorney General Janet Reno and seven other former Justice Department officials filed court papers Monday arguing that the Bush administration is setting a dangerous precedent by trying a suspected terrorist outside the court system.
There you have it. This is a legal issue (remember Clinton had nothing to hold Osama in a court room setting, therefore he denied anything to be done in his "arrest"). Terrorism is (according to Nacy Pelosi) just a problem to be "solved". There is no war. America is at fault. America is evil. We need to be cut down to size. American greatness and "exceptionalism" (as Rush likes to say) is causing Global Warming.

Maybe we should form the Al'Queda Bill of Rights. Now that the Left has won the elections, isn't that the next real step of true progress.

I am sorry, but for Reno to think Bush's actions are unprecedented is simply a bold face Left-wing lie. But if America voted for it, I guess let them do all the damage they can in two years. Now isn't that just a terrible way to think?

There is much that could be said about this topic of fighting Terrorism in the courts, but I'll just say this. The courts are not able to deal with our own American problems, do we really want a bunch of Left-Wing judges overseeing trials for "Enemy Combatants"?

WWLD (What Would Linclon Do?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...Maybe its all a conspiracy to expand federal powers. First Bush killed thousands of inocent people on 9/11 to expand measures such as the Patriotit Act, The War On Terror, and The War In Iraq. Now he is trying to expand the judicial branch to include men outside the court system who must without a doubt be his puppets.


Just Kidding. Great Post! I have heard others make the outrageous claims that I noted here.