Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Discussion? Vote? Why Bother?

More evidence that the Activist Homosexual Community that seeks certain rights truly are not interested in getting equal rights but instead are attempting to force their beliefs upon the rest of society outside the normal democratic means. In the People's Republic of Taxachusetts, the state legislature has decided to violate the Constitution in order to maintain "the newly discovered gay right to marry" by ignoring a "citizen's petition seeking the amendment to define marriage as one man and one woman."

The CitizenLink article goes on to state:

In a speech at the Massachusetts Capitol one week after lawmakers left town, Romney explained why he was taking his stance.

"As I listened to the debate in the legislative session, I was struck by the irony and the hypocrisy," he said. "Legislators so energized to protect the newly discovered gay right to marry had no compunction about trammeling the long established, constitutional right of the people to vote."

If the Legislature refuses to vote, the plaintiffs are asking the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court to order the secretary of state to put the issue on the ballot. Can the court order the Legislature to do its duty without violating the separation of powers?
So now we have a State Legislature violating the law after the State Supreme Court violated the law in order to give homosexuals the ability to redefine marriage and society's cultural norms against the will of the people. If the truth is not plainly seen for all, that the Left in this country hates our Constitutional system, I do not know what would.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every day America grows more liberal and more filled with sin. Our rights and freedoms will be taken from us slowly but surely. Gay rights will parade itself and we will soon follow in the footsteps of those in Canada and other nations. It is dis-heartening.

We just need to step up our efforts to reach people with the gospel. Good post, by the way.