The interim pastor of First Baptist church Garden City was apparently getting ready to move back to his home when he suddenly died. Next week the church will be interviewing a candidate leaving this Lord’s Day short of someone able to preach. (More reasons to have a plurality of Elders, but….)
So this morning I had the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel to the First Baptist Church in Garden City 30 miles south of where I live. I was woefully unprepared. I planned to spend all day Saturday studying and meditating on John 1: 19-34. Instead I found myself transferring a patient to the Garden City Hospital for several hours. When I arrived at home I was called on an emergency gas leak at the Catholic Church’s parsonage.
Those who expect good preaching may not be satisfied with my message. But hopefully the Lord’s people were blessed. Anyway, here is the link to the sermon.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
1 day ago
You raise some very relevant points in your sermon. Personally, I think to approach and confront the text to the extent that you did was to take several steps beyond most messages from modern pulpits (notice I said messages not sermons), so don't be too hard on yourself.
It is being said in certain Evangelical circles that part of the church's problem is that we first tell people that they are sick and then say we have the only cure - as if we are crooked salesmen, telling people why they need our "product." What a joke.
I liked your sermon and everything but it is a sad day in Evangelicalism when an Electrician from Western Kansas is mining the depths of Scripture to a greater degree than our "Emerging" Spiritual Leaders.
If you only knew, but I think it is better if I keep silent.
Waiting and seeing where the Lord takes their situation may be wiser.
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