Saturday, August 11, 2007

Local NYT On Using Fear

Our Local New York Times Editorialist has written two editorials that just have to make you scratch your head. The first one I want to mention is entitled, Infrastructure: Tax Cuts Have Contributed to a Nation Wide Crisis.

In the editorial Haxton states, “At one time, this nation’s infrastructure was the envy of the rest of the world.” This is simply the mantra of the Left. There is no evidence of a nationwide crisis. There is no breaking down of our infrastructure. This is just fear mongering. (I want to deal with his other editorial that deals with “fear”.)

He also says:

“This goes back to the lack of accountability that’s at the heart of today’s conservative agenda. Republicans have convinced taxpayers they can somehow get a ‘free ride.’ There are no consequences to unlimited government spending and tax cuts for the wealthy. Cash strapped cities, counties and states have let this nation’s infrastructure slip into disrepair for lack of money.”

First, we have a clear reference to the Minnesota bridge that collapsed. The major premise must be questioned. We don’t have any idea yet as to why this bridge collapsed. To assume it is because of disrepair and lack of tax money is just a Liberal party fear-mongering line.

Second, why is it assumed Republicans are against building bridges? We like to drive to work too.

Third, assuming that tax cuts are the problem is just plain phony. Tax cuts are not the issue. Due to Bush’s tax cuts, the economy has brought in record amounts of income to the IRS. They are literally swimming in our money. Therefore Haxton’s assumption is a bold face lie. He can’t possibly not know this.

Fourth, the knee jerk reaction by the Left that taxes must be raised is typical. Why? Is the government somehow going to become this efficient machine and start repairing and building our infrastructure? Has anyone read about the Massachusetts Big Dig?

Massachusetts, or better known as Taxachusetts, is a Liberal safe haven. If there is any place in the country that Liberalism should be proud to proclaim as a model of greatness, it is there! Yet we see taxes are not about raising funds for truly building and maintaining infrastructure, but they are about power and control over the lives of its citizens.

But let’s move on to the other editorial.

Without Fear, Where Would We Be Today?

I want to tackle this one paragraph by ridiculous paragraph.

“Our nation was founded on the fear of religious persecution. Without that fear, the Pilgrims would not have overcome their fear of traveling across the Atlantic to begin life in a new world.”

Now obviously he is using his great ability to write sarcastically. Yet a little history would make him think twice about saying silly things like this.

“It was our fear of excessive taxation without representation that helped to stir discontent leading to the Revolutionary War.”

Ummmm, there is so much one could say I am at a loss for words.

“This nation’s fear of having to learn to speak German or Japanese finally pushed us into entering WWII.”

Yea, there certainly was no parallel between modern problems and the rise of Hitler. So what if Neville Chamberlain acted like a modern Democrat and made peace with Hitler and ignored Churchill’s warnings. But then if Churchill had been allowed to destroy Hitler’s war machine earlier on, there would have been no WWII, no deaths of millions of people, and we would never have realized how right he was.

Also, there was this thing called Pearl Harbor. We tried to avert the War. We were literally dragged into it not due to fear but due to being attacked.

Bush is not trying to fear us into a War, we ARE at War, whether Haxton wants to acknowledge that (Chamberlain style) or not. We must deal with our enemies now or deal with their huge war machine later. The evidence was clear that Saddam Hussein had huge plans with the Oil For Food Program to build an arsenal of weapons. I would think Haxton surely would understand this point easily if he were not so blinded by his bizarre worldview.

“Our fear of nations tumbling like dominoes in Southeast Asia was so great that we were willing to sacrifice more than 50,000 American lives in Vietnam.”

This paragraph was extremely insulting.

First, we had won the war till Leftists like Haxton aided and comforted and committed traitorous actions against our country. Jane Fonda or John Kerry anyone?

Second, it was a great policy. Communism had to be stopped. We are still dealing with China. To join China’s side of things is to betray the many who are seeking freedom there (Tiananmen Square anyone?). We should not be helping China’s communistic/atheistic leaders, who murder their own citizens and imprison Christians at will, but instead we ought to be sending clear signals of hope to these people as Reagan did to those in Eastern Europe during the 80s.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

Does this man like having the freedom to publish his paper without government control? Has Bush ever sought to arrest him for his stupid views? Has his Freedom of the Press been violated?

How about the Left’s revival of the Fairness Doctrine? Is this just another way for the Left to control the Rush Limbaughs and to silence those who would protest their nonsensical arguments?

“It’s the fear that a small civil war could escalate into a large civil war that has kept our Troops in Iraq.”

First, there is no Civil War in Iraq. We are fighting the enemy there. Everyone ought to know that Al-Qaida is beginning to lose heavily since many are turning against them. The Muslim population is tired of the grotesque tactics and tired of having their own people murdered. We are winning! Haxton seems to have joined those who would gain political victory by our losing. It would be nice if Haxton actually reported the truth about this war. Reporting has to do with facts and a solid worldview though and…….

If anyone is using fear tactics, it is the “Drive-By Media” including our Local New York Times Editor. It is the media that feared Bush over our enemies when they gave Terrorists information about cell phones and the flow of monies into Terror Cells, and the ability to track them (which we have lost in part due to their fear). It is fear of violating Political Correctness that keeps the guilty minded, self-loathing Leftists in the Loser Party.

This is why the Left must not be allowed to have control over this nations defense. We will lose if they do, just like in Vietnam when we watched millions slaughtered by Pol Pot.

1 comment:

Howard Fisher said...

"How about the Left’s revival of the Fairness Doctrine? Is this just another way for the Left to control the Rush Limbaughs and to silence those who would protest their nonsensical arguments?"

I would like to ask Haxton a question. If this becomes Law again, would he be willing to give me half of his editorial space?