Friday, May 04, 2007

Pictures Make Us Prolife? I Hope So

I realize I am being skeptical, but Albert Mohler's recent post "In the Womb" -- One Look and Your Eyes Are Opened, states in its opening paragraph:

The public discussion about the power of ultrasound and modern imaging technologies has revealed something fascinating -- the pro-abortion movement does not want us peering into the womb. The view inside the womb transforms the moral debate over abortion. Once that image is seen, the vocabulary necessarily changes.
Now I have to ask the obvious question. If the pro-abortion movement doesn't want us "peering in" the womb, why are members of the Left the source of his post? Look at the picture that is used.

Mohler even states the source as being National Geographic. Now I am not arguing National Geographic can not be used as a source. But last I checked, National Geographic was not a bastion of conservative pro-lifers. So if a bunch of Evolutionists are publishing this material, then their worldview still forces those on the Left side of the isle to suppress the truth of God with even more force. Mohler should know this. So I am left wondering if God has truly hardened the American Left and even many Christians as a part of His Judgment?

The pictures will be amazing. Perhaps Mohler is right. Yet when so many abortion doctors have been literally pulling babies apart limb from limb, when so many babies have literally been burned to death kicking and looking for a place to escape the poisonous solution while mommy struggles wondering what all the fuss is about, when Tiller the Killer in Kansas is allowed to illegally give birth to a baby up to the head and then kill a kicking infant by stabbing it in the back of the head, if all of this can take place now, what are a few pictures going to do? How many abortionists philosophers admit the baby is a human being?! Some pro-abortionists actually have funerals for their babies and encourage women to grieve over their planned loss!

Perhaps I am being cynical, but until Americans are forced to face the truth that we are suppressing God's law and that we are in fact committing murder in His sight, how will this ever stop. John Piper asked a great question. Suppose Mohler is right (and I desperately hope he is), what do we do if abortions become illegal? We as Christians must be willing to stomach the idea that some people will still commit murder. Are we willing to follow through with what that may entail for our judicial system? Are we ready to condemn those that still seek to murder the most innocent, our children? This could be your 15 year old next door neighbor.

There is much the pro-life movement must work out if they are going to be convincing to the American people as a whole. Unless God and His Law become the center of attention, we will only be seeking further trouble.

1 comment:

Chris said...

It made me think of Luke 16 the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man begs Abraham to go and warn his family of the horrors of hell. Abraham replies, "They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them...If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead." If God and his truth is not convincing enough for abortionists then all the photographs in the world aren't going to do it!