I just love it when atheists and secularists and naturalists and evolutionists are put on the defensive by a good Christian apologetic. Answers In Genesis is doing just that. Yahoo News has linked to an ABC News video story that the Answers In Genesis Museum is finally finished.
What is great in this video clip is how the Evolutionists hate being challenged. Their dogma may not be questioned even though their own Poll shows that 60% of Americans believe God created the world in a literal 6 days.
One museum person states that evolutionists have no logical or rational basis for morality. This truly must anger the Evolutionary community. Yet they need to be called on the fact they they are doing exactly what Creationists claim. They are leading the world into an immoral swamp. They question the very foundational book of the Bible, without which there is no reason for Christ or sin or salvation. They know this only too well.
What the museum will do for the Christian is equip him to be able to trust that God is able to consistently explain to us His world. God's Word is reliable and trustworthy. It will also challenge the presuppositions of a world view that is irrational and inconsistent.
Also a recent Scott City graduate, Adam Taylor, wrote an excellent paper on this very subject. It is such a good paper I thought I'd put it up on my site. You can read it here. Keep in mind it was written in Word format, and I had to attempt to edit it slightly to make it work. Enjoy!
Before It Breaks: The Value of Early Counseling
7 hours ago
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