Thursday, May 24, 2007

Australia On Immigration

Rush Limbaugh points out an interesting story on immigration in Australia and comments:

"The Australians have a citizenship test for immigrants. "The controversial citizenship test being introduced by the Federal Government has been branded 'biased' and 'unAustralian' by the nation's key Muslim body. Australian Federation of Islamic Councils today released a statement strongly questioning the proposed test, saying members 'share the serious concerns' it has raised in 'the wider Australian community.'

'While AFIC does not oppose regulated immigration, it believes that a test with biased questions targeting particular cultural or ethnic groups goes against the very values of democracy and a fair go that the government is trying to inculcate,' said President Ikebal Adam Patel. ... But he said he it is 'unfair and un-Australian to expect them to study about Anglo-celtic and Judaeo-Christian values, especially when those migrants are coming from a different religious and cultural background.'" And the Australians are saying, no, it's not; this is who we are. We are an Anglo-Celtic and a Judeo-Christian country and these are the values. If we're going to have immigrants, we're going to have a citizenship test. Now, the Islamofascist immigrants need to be taught, why do they want to come here? Why do they want to go to Australia? What's the point? Our culture's not like theirs at all, especially the radical Islamists. They need to be reminded that the comfortable lifestyle, the ample freedom in choices, the high standard of living, freedom of speech, and all the other freedoms, particularly freedoms for women in secular Western society are directly related to the Judeo-Christian tradition."

He then asks the relevant questions that seem obvious to the average conservative.

"What the Islamic world has given us is theocracies, convert-or-die choices, and laws about stoning women and honor killings and so forth, stoning rape victims. They treat women as genuine second-class citizens. They are truly anti-Semitic and the same thing is happening in our country here, although we don't have a citizenship test. So the question arises, why do they want to come here?"

Exactly! Why do they want to come here? I admit that many probably enjoy the freedom. If our immigration policies do not bring the best immigrants have to offer and at the same time teaching them to leave behind the reason that made them want to come here, we will only be converting to the worst Islamic countries have to offer.

Islam has nothing to offer the American way of life. A simple test to promote the best may be politically incorrect, but it sure seems wise. Yet I agree that an assimilation policy where average Americans force the average immigrant to learn the language and common culture just seems like common sense. If one wishes to be elected to a public office then they must take an oath on the Bible, not the Koran. If this is against their conscience, then why come here if it is not to overthrow the American way of life?

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