Saturday, March 24, 2007

Trying Different Scopes

I am practicing using my digital camera with my two different telescopes. I finally managed to get a couple of decent pictures. Here is my garage where I had the telescope set up.

Notice the grain elevator in the background. Follow the telephone pole near the top on the right side of the picture. There I aimed my telescope at what is called the "Leg" where grain is lifted into the bins. On the side there is a name of the equipment "York". There is also an electric motor. I am not sure how to make the pictures clearer. On the camera screen they look great. But when I download them they are not as clear. Any suggestions?

This is the real problem. Planets are probably the same as the lettering on the side of this Lift. I guess I just need to learn my equipment better and then try to remember how it works the next time I use it.

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