Saturday, March 17, 2007

Defeating the Enemy Within

Perhaps I have been living in a box somewhere remote. I haven't seen this story anywhere, but then again my wife is usually the one to catch me up on the Fox News stuff of the day. Michelle Malkin reported on her blog today about the Gathering of Eagles against the Anti-War Demonstrators in D.C.. This picture says more about what I think of John Kerry than I can.

See here.

I am fully aware that there have always been Americans who are Pacifists. Being against war and betraying your country are very different things. I wonder what George Washington would have done with these Traitors.

One of the questions John Piper was asked in the recent conference was about the war in Iraq. He responded by saying that giving back the country to thugs who put people in "plastic grinders" head first for quick deaths and feet first for suffering is simply not right [my paraphrase]. He simply didn't know what the answer is.

This picture gives more reason why I believe we must win this war. It is the right thing to do.

See here.

PS, if you have trouble seeing the pictures, just click on the Malkin link and then come back

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