Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Space Is No Waste

My family and I watched an interesting program on the History Channel called Failure Is not an Option. It was a documentary of the U.S. Space program. My son loved it. I loved it. At points I even felt a sense of patriotism in the accomplishments of this great nation.

To think of man walking on the moon simply brings a sense of pride into my heart. Then somehow I always manage to think of the Tower of Babel. What was man able to do when he was united? Gen 11:6 says:

The LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them."

Short of God's intervention, man seems to be able to do anything he sets his mind. This may be a great thing when men are governed by God's Laws. The Bible however says man's heart is deceptive above all things, who can even know it?

It seems to me that many of the accomplishments man has had in the last 200 years or so could have happened centuries or even milleniums ago. God has restrained man for nearly 6000 years. It sure makes one wonder why?

Then I hear comments from astronomers that "outer space seems like a big waste of space if no one else lives out there." This is exactly why men need to be restrained. We are not looking at the universe with God's Glory in mind. We are looking at it as if He does not exist. It is as if the glory of the stars say nothing at all, when the Bible says they testify to God's Glory day and night.

Perhaps Jesus' parable of the harvest is being fulfilled. Both good and evil must be allowed to grow up together until He comes. Just while men are reaching the pinnacle of their pompousness and rebellion, then the glory, which men deny, will be revealed.

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