Bad day for Evanjellyism's worldview. First I read on Steve Camp's blog that the Mega-church pastor, Rick Warren, has decided to confront Global Warming. That is silly enough. I guess selling a bazzillion books with a weak presentation of the Gospel wasn't enough.
Now WorldNetDaily is reporting that 70% of Evanjellycals believe in Global Warming. I guess if you repeat a lie long enough, people will believe it. Truth is, the Modern Left-wing Environmental movement is simply an anti-capitilistic, socialistic philosophy. They seek to kill and destroy the free market system. They believe freedom is the greatest harm to the world.
Socialism and communism did not work for the Pilgrims or the Soviets or anywhere else it has been tried. The reason is simple. Dogs bark. Cats meow. People do what people do. Socialism and communism do not work because they are fundamentally flawed. They assume evolution and a view of humanity that is false.
Does anyone remember the masses of Americans fleeing to Russia? Maybe I am missing something, but if communism is so great, why do we not see anyone running off to China today?
It is time for pastors to be...well...pastoring and shepherding their sheep with God's Word. Playing into the hands of radical left-wingism is not their Biblical duty. Then again, this may be revealing more of the CEO mentality among pastors in the modern American church. Is the Holy Spirit moving among God's people to look to a more Biblical model for how we view the church and the nature of the Gospel? I guess time will tell.
Must You Read at Least One Spurgeon Biography?
9 hours ago
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