Once again, the left in this country is criticising our military. WND is reporting that Sen. Dick Durbin is comparing our country's treatment of enemy combatants to the KGB and Polpot (just a reminder, enemy combatants = the people trying to blow us up). The left in this country has nothing but contempt for our American heritage and way of life.
Before the left keeps putting their foot in their mouth, perhaps they ought to watch this TV commercial and see how most Americans feel about their sons and daughters who serve our country with honor and respect. Click here if you have Windows Media Player.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
17 hours ago
Enemy combatants doesn't necessarily equal "people trying to blow us up," just as Japananese-Americans didn't equal "people trying to blow us up" during WWII. It's a shame that we didn't learn a lesson then.
Some "enemy combantants" may be people who were studying Islam in Afghanistan but not plotting to destroy the U.S. or even people who have been mistakenly identified. Since they don't get a trial they're not allowed to present any defense. I'm sure you'd be in an uproar if one of your loved ones was arrested in another country and held indefinitely without charges being filed, without any acknowledgement they were being held and without any opportunity for a defense.
And by the way - Muslims don't equal "people trying to blow us up" either, any more so than Christians equal "people who hate people with differing viewpoints," or "people who think it's okay to kill abortion doctors." Some Christians might think that and some Muslims might want to blow us up but please don't confuse the extremists with an entire group.
I would not have considered Japanese Americans nor Muslim Americans as being enemy combatants. Enemy combatants are those who ARE joined with terrorists in some fashion. They are not merely people with a cultural backround.
For you to think I was equating enemy combatants with the average Muslim is simply assuming that I agree with locking up Japanese Americans simply because of their race.
"I'm sure you'd be in an uproar if one of your loved ones was arrested in another country and held indefinitely without charges being filed, without any acknowledgement they were being held and without any opportunity for a defense."
You also assume that if Americans had bombed a Muslim country, Muslim nations would not be doing this to us and that I would not expect it. You would be a fool if you thought another country would not try to protect itself in this manner.
We are at war. The enemy happens to be mainly Muslim. Those who are caught trying to plot terrorist acts against us are enemies. They do not qualify as U.S. citizens. In time, this situation will be resolved. All wars eventually come to an end. Be patient.
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