Well, it is happening right next door. The Canadian Supreme Court ruled today that same sex unions should be legal. Prime Minister Paul Martin will be submitting legislation to redefine Marriage.
Martin says that, "this is a difficult issue involving personal and religious convictions." What is so difficult? Did God define marriage or not? This is the problem when man becomes the center of the universe and the standard by which truth is determined.
The court actually went so far as to say that the Constitution was open to be interpreted with the changing of times. Sounds similar to the U.S. Supreme Court. They also cited foreign nations as an authority. "They are doing it, why shouldn't we?" seems to be the reason.
So if the courts rule that man is the standard, where does this end? The court re-defined marriage as being between two persons. Why stop there? What about polygamy? Polygamy has been in practice for centuries. Don't polygamists have more of a precedant than homosexuals?
I think we may have to tackle this one on Salt & Light. I have some local letters to the editor we can discuss. I also have The Same Sex Controversy by White and Niell. We'll take a solid look through that book. It is one of the best, exegetically sound books I have read to date on the topic.
We may also need to review some portions of a debate between Dr. James White and Barry Lynne. Rev. Lynne, the great free speech guy, lost so badly that he tried to sue Dr. White for selling the DVDs of the debate. Ironic, heh?
Although Martin has asked the court three questions a year ago, a fourth one was added to decide what is constitutional when it come to marriage. It is this fourth question that I have noticed for years is causing the biggest stumbling block for conservatives. The question is, "Is the traditional definition of marriage constitutional?"
That's hitting the nail on the head. Conservatives really don't have a good answer for that one. If they say that nations have followed this tradition for thousands of years, then the opposition will say, "so what." If they say it is better for children, they'll say "you are homophobic." If conservatives say, "God says so", they'll say, "that is your private religious beliefs." Remember, you can't legislate religious beliefs!
This is what happens when nations reject the Ten Commandments and the Law of God as a whole. Either God defines reality and the Law, or man does. Last I checked, man can't seem to make up his mind.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
17 hours ago
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