Just in the last week I have had two people ask me about my views on eschatology. Now there's something that I can't remember ever talking with anyone about. Most people just don't think about it unless they are reading Tim LaHaye's books. But when they do talk about it, dispensationalism is usually assumed and therefore the conversation usually degenerates into pre-trib, post trib ect..
This week however, one fellow member of First Baptist asked me about other views. I have learned of church squabbles because a prior pastor was not a "dispy". Well, guess what! Neither am I. I do see that historic-premillenialism and amillenialism are much more Scriptural. Which one am I? hmmmmmmm
To make a looooong conversation short. I do not believe there are two sets of God's people. I do not believe unbelieving Jews (national Israeli Jews) are God's people when they reject Christ as the Messiah. I do not believe they co-exist with God's people. The church consists of JEWS AND GENTILES and is the people of God. Could the Jews in Israel convert to Christ as a whole? Sure. But let us not become stuck on some pharisaical Messiah who will deliver us from the Romans.
The Old Covenant has passed away folks. The earthly Jerusalem is in bondage according to Paul in Galatians 5. The Jerusalem Temple is but a shadow of Christ. Jesus said in John 4 that the Father seeks those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. The context is of which mountain to worship on, Jerusalem or where the Samaritans were. They were both wrong!
We, who are of Christ, are looking for a heavenly Jerusalem, with a heavenly King who IS seated on His throne at the right hand of power. Why look anywhere else?
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
17 hours ago
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