Do we really need more evidence that Liberals are anything but neutral?HSLDA Condemns German Court
for Jailing Homeschool Parents
June 19, 2008On Wednesday, June 18, a district court in the German state of Hesse sentenced Jurgen and Rosemary Dudek each to three months in prison simply because they homeschool their seven children.
HSLDA condemns this court ruling in the strongest possible terms. Good parents who love and care for their children should never be sentenced to prison for doing what is best for their children. Germany is a Western nation and should know better.
HSLDA will be helping the Dudeks with their appeals, but German courts have so far consistently ruled against homeschoolers.
More information will be forthcoming as this story develops, and we will keep you informed. In the meantime, please remember the Dudeks in your thoughts and prayers. The family welcomes notes of encouragement which can be sent to:
Family Dudek
Friedrichstr. 6
37293 Archfeld—GERMANYThank you for your interest and support of homeschooling freedom in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
17 hours ago
In case you'd like further information about the situation of homeschooling and what each of us may be able to do about it, please check out Educating Germany.
I wonder if your concern for those children would differ if they, for example, were Buddhist. Or Scientologists. Or Branch Davidians. Which cults/religions would then be subject to secular law and which wouldn´t? Maybe I would prefer to homeschool my kids in, lets say, marxism... The law in Germany is there to guarantee all children an "adequate standard education" as it is viewed by the majority of the citizens in that country. It is also percieved as a method of preventing alienation, nuturing social values and helping to reduce the kind of brain washed dogmatism found in fundamentalism - religious or otherwise.
Good question. A few years ago I had an email exchange with a state rep, and he made the same point you are making in your question. Although he argued more along the lines of Islam in order to get me to be moved from my position emotionally.
The answer I gave him I believe was consistent. Parents have the ultimate God-given right to educate their children. Even Islamic parents have the right to educate their children. For me to say otherwise is to be inconsistent and arrogant. It also assumes atheism, secularism, naturalism and Materialism are better than Buddhism or Islam. It also assumes that schools have a fundamental right over parents. In a relativistic philosophy, this becomes might makes right.
As for cult problems and brainwashing, do you think this isn't happening now by the State? Canada now has secret tribunals to eliminate Christians that speak God's Law. They actually have legal power to secretly persecute Christians and are in fact doing so. It may sound crazy, but it is an established fact. The Inquisition is back on. Now it is done by the Secular State.
IMO, the rise of Cults parallels the rise of Liberalism. There are other solutions to your concerns.
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