Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Prayer For the Kasselmans

Every once in a while I get a concerned e-mail from the Kasselman family in the Republic of Georgia. For those of you who don't know them, Joel and his wife Anya do evangelistic work with Campus Crusade For Christ.

It seems that there is another large protest rally that has many concerned. Here is an article from the Georgian Times. Joel wrote, "At the same time there is a lot of going in the separatists regions (Asetia and Abkhazia). Again last week Russian troops crossed the borders with Abkhazia and attacked the border guards. At the same time the regime of Edward Kokoity continue to torture the people of Asetia, by closing the roads, shutting of the electricity and water off."

They simply ask for prayer. We know our Lord is faithful and has warned us such things must happen. May He keep season of proclaiming the Gospel to the Georgians open.

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