Thursday, December 21, 2006

Monty Python's Flying Churches

Why everyone is looking to the Bill Hybels of Willow Creek and Rick Warren of Purpose Drivel Life for sound theology is beyond me. For those of you who wonder why I think "Seeker Sensitive" churches are leading Evangelicalism down a path of self destruction, simply read this article.

It's all about worship styles I am often told. It may be true that styles of music perhaps should not be so rigid, but the idea of worship most of the time has no solid theological foundation in the Scriptures. We have all the freedom to do what we want when we think Scripture is silent. In the end, we might just look like Monty Pythons Flying Circus.

Kudos to Pastor Ed for pointing me to this sad state of silliness. Here is a quote from him about a video that could just as easily be said about many other things.

First, it trivializes outreach to the lost for church attendance to the level of a Saturday Night Live sketch. No, I'm not humor impaired. I'm fine with jokes, comedy, and generally cutting up in the right context. Second, it sends an unwitting message to the lost that we have a lack of fear, awe, and reverence for God...and it's okay if they do, too.

May God grant us mercy and repentance.


Ed Groover said...


Good article. And thanks for the kind mention.

Anonymous said...

The last part of your quote is excellent. I am afraid that many lost people probably do look at us and see a lack of seriousness in our love for God.