Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Mere $180 Bucks

Apparently, unborn babies in the Ukraine are only worth $180 bucks. Here I am living in the United States potentially looking to see if it is possible to adopt a baby. It turns out that adopting a child runs in the multiple tens of thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars that I am not in possession. So that idea was dropped. I am not one of those kinds of people that take loans and say, "God will provide." I guess I just don't have that kind of faith.

My wife and I looked into adopting a child from overseas. Perhaps there might be organizations that may make it a little "cheaper", something in my budget. I was wrong again. The costs still run into the tens of thousands of dollars that I just don't have.

However, it turns out if I just had a $180 and a "Dr." in front of my name, I could have talked a Ukrainian woman into selling her fetus (that's baby for those of you who don’t know) to me for slaughter. Apparently, people in the Ukraine believe harvesting Stem Cells will produce “beauty treatments in Russia”. So much for science being scientific when all science shows embryonic stem cells have not produced one thing positively for medicine.

Atleast these women are getting paid for aborting their babies. Here in the states women are desperate enough to pay for it. Now I admit that perhaps a fully mature baby that is birthed normally may be worth a bit more. Surely I could talk these fools down just a little? Perhaps a $200?

Sorry about the sarcasm, but this thinking is what I was referring to in my last post. If we accept as a starting point man's knowledge, then men will follow his foolish thinking to his own destruction. Colossians 2:3-4:

"Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument."

When we start with Christ, we will gain true knowledge of God and ourselves and a true understanding of the world.

(PS, Kudos to Tiber for pointing this out)


Anonymous said...

Great post. I hope you all can find a way to adopt someday without spending millions...I mean thousands of dollars. God bless you. I greatly enjoy your blog posts.

Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

I want to wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas . We may not agree about theology, but we both can rejoice in the Incarnation, God with Us.