On the Laura Ingram show, a debate insued with those who oppose Christianity, in particular those who think Christmas carols should not be sung at school. This is an interesting argument, but simply telling non-Christians they must accept Christmas carols being sung by their children in the public school is absurd.
I have yet to understand why Christians think a non-Christian should have to sing religious songs to get a grade, when the parents are against it. Now Christians could argue that if the majority of people are Christian, then the person who does not want to participate does not have to, but the school may go ahead with a Christmas program. Let's say however that a particular city is atheistic. Should children there be forced to sing Christmas carols when the majority of people are not Christian? I don't think so.
Should the government's worldview be Christian? Yes. Should the government publically advocate Christianity as their worldview? Again, yes. You may say this seems contradictory. It is not. I believe Christians need to persuade their fellow man of the superiority of Christianity. I think we Christians need to make a solid case as to why governments need the Christian worldview. This however is different from forcing people to go to church and believe in Jesus
We as Christians must demonstrate that atheism as a worldview is inconsistent with reality and is not even able to explain the world around us. Atheism has no basis for arguing why laws should be the way they are except from perhaps a pragmatistic view. Even then, that has no basis in sound thought. Atheism's worldview cannot even suppport religious freedom. It simply is impossible for atheism to exist as a coherent and consisten foundation for government.
Some might say that perhaps another religion should be the foundation for America, such as Islam. Again, one only needs to take a quick glance around the world to see Islam is not a consistent worldview and need not apply. The religious persecution that takes place against Christians is too well documented, even in countries that are not seen as "extreme". It is simply not possible to have religious freedom within an Islamic state (or an atheistic one for that matter).
Christianity is the only worldview that is consistent and coherent. It provides for the moral underpinnings that governments need to be God honoring while allowing for relgious freedom. Although religious freedom does not mean a religious free-for-all. It does mean a government based on solid Scriptural teaching can provide a basis for stability among a people of differing views.
It is difficult to maintain order in a society, whose citizens are taught all worldviews are equal. If Christians desire true unity in this great nation, then we must not be ashamed to show from the Bible that God governs both the state and the church, and it does so on separate grounds.
With Our Eyes on God
5 hours ago
Interesting thoughts.
What is your take on theonomy?
I have to admit. It took a bit of time for me to even figure out what Theonomy is. even listened to Bahnsen defend Theonomy in debate and I could not figure out what in the world was being debated. The critique offered in the debate was poorly done.
I finally found that sam Waldron had also done a 4 part critique of Theonomy. It is very helpful.
As for my thoughts of it. It seems to be mainly Post-Millenial. The curse will be worked in reverse. The evidence for a slow reversal of the curse is simply not found in Scripture. I think we need to allow Jesus to define for us what the future holds, not some eschatology (no matter how positive it may be).
I have the files.
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