I was reminded today of how selfish I have been. Killing helpless animals. Raping and pillaging the landscape. Taking away Constitutional Rights from foreign citizens. Forcing the elderly to live in poverty by taking away their Social Security check. The typical banter never ceases.
During my commute this morning I was held up at two lights. This cost me sixty seconds of time. So instead of the possible 3 and 1/2 minutes, it took me almost 5 minutes to get to work. I began to realize how much of my life is being wasted. A Potential of 4 minutes a day is being stolen from me. What is the government going to do about this? I pay taxes you know.
A friend of mine is getting married. He'll probably have kids. Wait! What if my wife gets pregnant. She'll be forced to quit her job at the library and I'll have to pay for another mouth to feed. We could always have the private "A" word. Hey, the government has fixed that legal problem. Only a minor inconvenience it will be. Just think of the benefits to society. Less taxes we will need to support education and the like. Hey, I'm thinking about my fellow man here.
This Terry Schiavo problem has got me thinking. What if that were my wife? It might take me a lot longer to get to work. My career might be troubled. I might not get that promotion. Worst of all, no companionship. I suppose I could just shack up with someone else though. I got a better idea. Just starve her to death, then all of society won't have to put up with the burden of feeding her. Just think of all the food we could save. Doctors, who have to waste their time helping her, could be helping real patients. Lawyers won't have to waste all their time suing each other. It'll be convenient for everyone. Utopia will be achieved if we allow the unwanted to kill themselves.
Please note the sarcasm. Rush quoted an agnostic lesbian leftwing woman confined to a wheelchair today as saying, "I would rather have a conservative Christian determining the end of my life than an ACLU lawyer."
There is an old saying, "Be a hero, save a whale. Save a baby, go to jail." Perhaps one of you readers of this could come up with a new rhyme. Something that conveys the idea that heroes are those, who save terrorists that seek to destroy the Constitution, and belittle those who defend the weak. But then, perhaps I am being just a bit too selfish.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
17 hours ago
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