As a layman, I have been defending the reliability of the Bible for quite some time. In order to do that, you actually have to read authors who study and produce books in the field of apologetics. An understanding of church history and how the Bible is tramsmitted to us is required. Even more importantly, Jesus must be believed when He speaks, especially to the issue of the nature of Scripture.
In this age of conspiracy theories and postmodernism, it seems Rush is right again. It is not the nature of the evidence, it is the seriousness of the charge. If a lie is repeated enough, people will start believing it.
For instance, I often hear how the Council of Nicea forced the Deity of Christ to be believed. Supposedly the Council also determined which books to include in the Bible. Now to us who know even a little about Church History just think to ourselves, "Why would anyone believe such nonsense?" The reason is simple. People have no idea of what the truth is.
If you would like to begin learning why the DaVinci code is based on a bunch of nonsense, James White spoke at a conference on this very subject. If you have a real audio player, Click Here!
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