Saturday, July 14, 2007

Moore An Expert On Christ

I read this quote of Michael Moore on AOMin:

“There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word ‘homosexual.’ The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”
I have found it easily on other internet sites (like this one). Apparently Michael Moore's inability to think is now going to manifest itself in his broad knowledge of the Gospels and teachings of Christ.

I have heard this argument so many times I wonder if anyone that uses it has ever truly read the Gospels at all. The average person makes lots of claims about the Bible. Most of the time they are usually claims gathered over the years via Urban Legend style.

For instance, you have heard the books of the Bible were gathered at the Council of Nicea. Movies to college professors seem to repeat these things. Yet that Council had absolutely nothing to do with the Canon of Scripture at all.

To be certain, Jesus did not single out the term homosexuality. He does however define marriage according to the literal Genesis account of creation. Does Michael Moore believe Jesus' view of Genesis 1-3? Jesus does speak of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Does Michael Moore think Jesus is a hate monger against those cities of the plain? Jesus even teaches that there was a literal Noahic Flood and parallels it with the future judgment at His own Second Coming. Does Moore believe this?

Somehow, I have the distinct feeling Moore not only rejects homosexuality as a sin implicitly taught by Christ, but even the things Jesus explicitly teaches. If Moore doesn't believe what Jesus plainly says, why would he believe in anything the Bible says at all, directly or indirectly? I wonder what Moore will say to Christ when he meets Him face to face. It is amazing how bold man is when he thinks God is not looking.


the forester said...

I gave Michael Moore's "Fahreinheit 911" a fair screening. About thirty minutes in I turned it off. It was too insulting to my intelligence. Hit and run debate tactics are cowardly and assume the worst out of an audience.

As you point out, many people love to play WWJD games in order to support their own agendas, rather than respecting Jesus' whole message and purpose. If Jesus never mentioned homosexuality, that speaks volumes -- because at that time homosexuality was punishable by death, and Jesus did not oppose this.

I'm not suggesting that homosexuality be punished by death -- I'm only following Michael Moore's assertion to its logical conclusion.

(Incidentally, whoever the person is who commented above, he is very sad and deluded. I feel for him.)

Anonymous said...

As for secret rapture, it is hard to stop those kind of people from doing what they do.

You make a fantastic point though. Jesus was never afraid to challenge false teachings of the day. Yet Jesus never challenged the laws against sexual immorality.

Jesus did offer forgiveness to those who would repent and believe in him such as the woman at the well. If Moore were consistent at all, he would recognize that Jesus pointed out that shacking up is sinful. Would he argue that in his film? This is a far cry from endorsing homosexuality.