Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I thank my God that the Democrats are not in full control. They have certainly invested themselves in defeat. The War must be lost at all costs. I have bit my lip watching the Dems align themselves with the Islamic Terrorists, but after hearing about Harry Reid comments it is the duty of every Red Blooded American to speak out against him. By now you have heard his statement:

"I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq (Wednesday)," Reid said.
Yes the War is over according to Reid. He is now officially siding with the Terrorists. He has officially denigrated our troops morale. If he were Washington, the Revolution would have been lost. If he were Linclon, this Nation would have been splintered and lost. If he were Patton, War War II would have been lost and the Germans would be slaughtering Jews worldwide. If he were protesting Vietnam, we would have lost to the communists.

Hold on. That's right. These people committed treason in the 60s and no one stopped them forcing the United States to lose a War they had actually won. They are committing Treason now and Republicans stick their finger in the wind to see if it is o.k. to say anything. This is due to a lack of leadership coming from the White House.

I hereby demand, as an American who believes America can and should win this War, that Harry Reid be forced to step down from his position. I also Demand that President Bush lead the charge. If Democrats may call for the Attorney General's resignation (along with the miriads of others, yet somehow the reverse never seems to happen), then any man with any common sense should demand Reid's.


1 comment:

Paul said...

It’s true you can only take so much of the ignorant knee-jerk responses from people like Reid. I agree with what you said. I would add that we did lose the Vietnam War to the communist because of protest and statements that sound eerily like Reid’s.