Sunday, January 15, 2006

Final Exam

Well, it is finally over. I almost hate to see it end. Today, I preached my Final Exam for Pastor Glidewell and his congregation at the Southern Baptist Church in St. Francis, KS. It was a little rough at points and some of my points didn't quite flow like I wanted. There were even some things I wanted to say and just didn't. But hey, the basic message went out, and God's people seemed to benefit from it. So I guess I received atleast a D-. ;-)

After the service, Pastor Glidewell had my family and me over for dinner (his wife really went all out. I thought the Christmas season had started again...), and we had some great fellowship for most of the afternoon. In fact, I think if my wife didn't get up we might have spent the night talking. Discussing the things of the Lord just seems to pass the time.

I look forward to the next class I will be able to take with Pastor Glidewell. Thanks Pastor.

BTW, if you would like to suffer through the message, here it is.

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