My stomach just got a little naseaus as I was paying my bills. I opened my ABMen's (American Baptist) newsletter to find Tony Campolo on the front cover. Ironically I have been talking about Tony this evening with some friends of mine as to how Rush Limbaugh played a clip of Tony pitting Jesus' teaching against Paul's (although Rush didn't catch that part).
Mr. Campolo actually thinks we Americans will be judged for not giving to the poor as we should be. He stated this past week on a Cable program that we will be judged severely for our lack of attention for those Jesus speaks of in the judgment (see Matt 25). He also said that republicans were too concerned with Paul's teaching on homosexuality and that Jesus never spoke on that issue.
I think it is sick that we pit Jesus and Paul against each other. Does Mr. Campolo not believe that the Holy Spirit wrote all of Scripture? Does he really believe that Jesus never addresses sexual sins and the FUNDAMENTAL institution we call the family? Does he really think that God's law as can be ejected from our nation's institutions, and God not notice?
Campolo says in the newsletter that local churches are "to decide their stance on issues such as homosexuality and gay marriage.
"Local churches deciding?! Whatever happened to God's Law and His everstanding Word? I grow weary of men who are in positions of authority, speaking on behalf of the church, denying the inerrancy of Scripture and miss every opportunity to present the gospel. They are a plague sent by God on America so that she cannot hear the truth of God's Law.
Mr. Campolo, there won't be anyone to take care of the poor if God sends anymore judgments against us. If the family goes as God has designed it, so goes this prosperous nation.
Why is he on the front cover anyway? I guess this is what happens when the church denies God's Law and his Word.
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