Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thompson Out, Now What?

With the withdrawal of Fred Thompson from the race, I am left wondering how well Romney will do. Will Thompson supporters go to Romney? Will they even vote? If Romney and Juliani are unable to muster what is needed to win the nomination, we will be left with McCain.

I know one should never say “never”, but I simply can not bring myself to think that I would vote for him. I have literally despised McCain since the McCain/Feingold Act. Anyone so boldly able to destroy the First Amendment in order to pretend he is cleaning up Fundraising in Politics is simply willing to do anything to look good politically. I don’t care about his Vietnam Record. If he is willing to be naïve about such essential matters, then he is going to do the same in others (Global Warming anyone?).

So I decided to once again to look into the Constitution Party. I agree with much of what they have to say. Again, though, they seem to play the naiveté card as well. Read this section under Terrorism and Personal Liberty:

“The Constitution Party is unalterably opposed to the criminal acts of terrorists, and their organizations, as well as the governments which condone them. Individuals responsible for acts of terrorism must be punished for their crimes, including the infliction of capital punishment where appropriate. In responding to terrorism, however, the United States must avoid acts of retaliation abroad which destroy innocent human lives, creating enmity toward the United States and its people; and

In accord with the views of our Founding Fathers, we must disengage this nation from the international entanglements which generate foreign hatred of the United States, and are used as the excuse for terrorist attacks on America and its people.”

The part that says “creating enmity towards the U.S.” is simply wrong. In the first paragraph of this section the website says,

“America is engaged in an undeclared war with an ill-defined enemy (terrorism), a war which threatens to be never ending, and which is being used to vastly expand government power, particularly that of the executive branch, at the expense of the individual liberties of the American people.”

“Ill-defined”! This whole “it is our fault” syndrome is just silly. Islam has always hated the West, especially as it considers the West Christendom. We may play nice with Islamic Nations, but understand this, Islam is on the move. They are actively immigrating to the West. They know full well that in a generation or two, they will have significantly undermined the ability of the West to defend itself from within.

The Constitution Party, with all of its pluses and positives, has serious flaws. It seems to me to be in the Isolationist mode. We played that game prior to World War I and II. We paid for Clinton’s mistakes on 9/11 2000. Those mistakes must not be made again.

So for now, I must pass on the Constitution Party until they are able to make a serious argument that they will not go into Isolationism. I don’t think that will be happening anytime soon.

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