Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bureaucrats Have Wayyyyy Toooo Much Power

Investors Business Daily asks:

“Have global warming alarmists won? It certainly seems they've prevailed in the rhetorical battle — which is actually more powerful than the scientific war they cannot win.”

A recent poll being reported in Kansas by the News:

“The poll by Cooper and Secrest Associates, a Democratic political consulting firm, found that the 62 percent margin of support was less in western Kansas, but still a majority — 51 percent, while 40 percent disagreed and 9 percent weren’t sure.”

It seems that IBD is correct. You don’t have to win with science, just confuse the people in the Media. With groups like Earthjustice using scare tactics (anybody listen to Al Gore?), it is no wonder polls sway to the side of saving the planet. Who would be for destroying the planet?! Earthjustice website reports:

“Earthjustice attorney Nick Persampieri said, ‘The proposed plant is among the worst of the proposed dirty coal plants. In light of what we now know about the causes of global warming, the state owes its citizens, as well as all Americans, a chance to discuss it.’”

So now we have a bunch of Left-wing nut cases putting fear into the hearts of citizens that need power to live their lives. Perhaps this Blogger has an interesting point”

“Such is life for southwest Kansans. Population dwindles, schools close and consolidate (when I was in school Healy and Leoti cooperated for baseball and players drove 20 miles a day for practice). Industry rarely develops and when someone tries, eastern Kansas bullies — who have “everyone’s best interests” at heart — complain and prohibit.”

So basically we have a single bureaucrat, KDHE Secretary Roderick L. Bremby, who believes he should single handedly put a stop to a project in which millions of dollars have already been invested. This is the price the average American is being scared into paying. We are giving up of freedoms in order to save the world via higher taxes and submitting to bureaucratic authority. This is not about saving the world. This is about freedom from taxation and freedom to live in a Free Enterprise market verses living in a Socialistic Nation.

South-western Kansas doesn’t need Liberals in Topeka destroying our economy. Small cities are struggling as it is. They can only make things worse.

Topeka, Get out of the way!


Anonymous said...

Maybe western Kansas should consider wind? It would help prop up farmers and be carbon-neutral.

Farmers in Texas are getting rich off the royalties that wind companies are paying to use their lands.

Howard Fisher said...

Thanks for the comment Bob. If Farmers are agreeable and want to do that, then by all means they should go for it. Freedom works both ways.

One pro wind site says, "Wind power can reduce pollution generated by fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas."

I agree. No one wants to trash the environment. Yet this coal fired plant that was being planned was going by every stupid regulation under the sun. The secretary for the Governor simply said no by some fiat command. Who do they think they are?

This pollution thing is a gimmic or a scare tactic. It assumes Global Warming. A complete Myth.

I must be clear though. The globe may be warming, but it is not due to the supposed green house man-made gases. This is clearly a fight between bureaucratic Socialistic world views and Capitalism.

2) The Sierra Club states this interesting quote

"Critics say that if wind power were really competitive it wouldn't need to be subsidized by the PTC. Actually if the true costs of burning coal were being taking into account, including damage to the public health and environment from tropospheric ozone, fine particles and global warming, then the PTC would not be necessary. Furthermore the mining and transport of coal requires vast amounts of diesel fuel and thus benefits from the myriad of subsidies underlying the use of petroleum."

What a load of nonsense. Let the free market determine what is best. If Wind power is the best, then everyone would turn to it. The fact is, Coal produces the energy needed. Wind doesn't unless we use so much land that we would all have to move. (I am being fecicious on the moving bit.)

The fact that we use lots of diesel is an environmental argument, not a cost one. Green people are afraid we will destroy our planet with fumes and emissions. Again, Coal is cheap and produces what is necessary. Wind technology just hasn't arrived to the point it would produce the amount of energy needed.

This is my opinion anyway.

Howard Fisher said...

In case I wasn't clear in my original post, the point is that whether we use windmills or coal, why should some bureaucrat have the kind of power that was exercised? How does this person have that kind of power?

So your response is fine as it goes for a free people. However, this act by a bureaucrat is nothing short of tyranny.