Today Rush read an editorial on the issue of abortion. The editorial argued that making laws restricting abortion was counter-productive. It provided statistics showing that where laws were passed to restrict abortion only caused the number of abortions to go up.
ABC News Journal at 5 O'Clock gave an opinion that states with seatbelt laws was a good thing. The opinion cited statistics showing that states that have seatbelt laws actually reduced the number of deaths, and it also demonstrated that simply having the laws caused more people to actually wear their seatbelts.
So I have to ask the left-wing media, why cite statstics at all when making laws? If in one law you are arguing that laws only make things worse, why have them? How then do you opine that laws are good when they suit your purposes? Wouldn't that just cause people to disobey you? Should I just stop wearing my seatbelt because I'm in rebellion to the state?
I simply do not accept the premise of the Left's thinking in this country. Laws are not written for convenience sake. They are not to be written because of the whims of man. To be honest, I am not sure why the Left in this country wants Laws at all. They simply have no foundation for them whatsoever.
Laws are a reflection of righteousness. They are written to enforce what God has revealed to be right and wrong. Without God as being the foundation for Law, you are simply left with, "Might Makes Right".
I believe a nation that wishes to be blessed by God must have the Ten Commandments as it's foundation. So my challenge to the Left in my community still stands. A public debate at our nice giant brand new High School on the question, "Was Judge Roy Moore in Alabama violating the First Amendment by keeping the Ten Commandments in his court room?"
Any takers? I didn't think so.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
17 hours ago
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