If I make an argument for a position and someone offers a critique, then I either show the critique is unfounded, or update my argument as to deal with the critique. I certainly don’t act like the opposition doesn’t exist. But that is exactly what you get with Roman Catholic Apologists.
I was simply amazed to watch EWTN and hear the same arguments that in a scholarly debate would never be used. If one text says you are righteous by faith alone, should we ignore it because another text speaks of works? Yet, the RC Apologist acted if Romans 4 didn’t exist. So I ask as so many down through the centuries have asked, “Who is the Blessed man?”
Let us suppose that the RC Apologist is right. That Romans 2 demands that we believe and have good works in order to be justified, what then? Funny how the text only spoke of people receiving eternal life or eternal wrath. Has any RC or Protestant or anyone else for that matter fulfilled Romans 2 from a works righteousness perspective? How many works does one have to do?
RCs often speak of purgatory. Where in the text does it mention that in Romans 2 or any other? If we approach the text from a perspective that says, the Bible agrees with my religion before we approach the text, now let’s see if it does, is to nullify God’s Word for the sake of Tradition.
RCs also speak of venial sins verses mortal sins. Yet we have no real definition of what that means. It is often portrayed that murder is a mortal sin and lesser sins are not. Yet Jesus mentions in Matthew 25 that simply not visiting someone in prison is enough to send someone to hell.
Truth is, the RC objections that were raised on EWTN have been answered numerous times since the reformation. Ignoring the Biblical answers in order to maintain a religious system of merits is the height of opposition against the Gospel. The Gospel is what saves sinners and Rome preaches a different Gospel.
So I ask again, “Who is the Blessed man?” of Romans 4? He is the man to whom the Lord does not impute sin. The Lord does not owe anyone anything. Salvation belongs to God and God alone. If He chooses to freely save a man, blessed is that man.
Soli Deo Gloria
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