The other night on the ride home from hockey practice (over an hour drive) I had plenty of time to chat with my 13-year-old daughter about life. One of the things that came up was the issue of family life. We chatted about the culture wars, drugs & alcohol use and adultery, divorce and even......homosexuality. Yes, I am an odd ball. I actually discuss things with my kids.
I first learned of the importance of family and its design not by my Lutheran pastors or even fundamentalist preachers, but by a Jewish man I once worked for in North Pembroke. He was the owners of an AMC Jeep Parts business, and he was a great guy to work for...tough, but a good man.
One day I told him I needed to go visit a friend that had attempted suicide. He quickly asked me about his family life. As far as I knew, his family life was fine, but my Jewish boss insisted it was not. I argued with him for a bit, but he explained to me what to watch for and what is the definition of a family. Over the years, he's always been right. There's just something about those practicing, Hebrew Scriptures believing, Jews that seem to have their finger on the pulse of what's going on.
So as I explained to my daughter the other night, prior to this evil incident in New England (yes, I said evil, not conventional but absolute evil) you may find many of our cultural evils traced back to the destruction and redefinition of the family. Although the problem is more fundamental than that. For evil springs from the heart and is reflected in the family. It's expression (sinful man's evil heart) goes through the foundation of our society and perverts everything.
This is where the current cultural debate will err. Instead of recognizing the source of the problem, the Political Left will interpret these events from a worldview which suppresses the knowledge of their Creator and thereby suppressing and twisting the created order. Instead of attempting to repent of their evil thinking, they will seek to use the evil actions of a man in order to expand the powers of the State by advancing more gun control laws. Instead of supporting the God-given and designed family, they will continue to support Homosexual lifestyles, furthering the twisting of the family life.
As a Christian, I have a new Jewish Boss, who also thoroughly believed the Hebrew Scriptures. It is to Him we must repent in our thinking about who God is and what He has designed and what the purpose of His creatures are. It is to Him we must look to for Eternal Life, and from Him and through Him must all things be restored.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Sunday, October 07, 2012
The Impossibility of the Contrary
An acquaintance of mine, who is a naturalistic materialist, made a couple of comments about his view of the world recently. He wrote,
Now his definition of "objective truth" is probably synonymous with "observed facts". However, what most naturalistic materialists miss about presuppositional apologetics is that the Christian is challenging exactly that [or ought to be challenging that]. It is impossible to not start with some metaphysical premise while claiming to be merely naturalistic.
Please notice that he wanted me to accept his presuppositions by insisting that I go outside of God's revelation. So I would like to offer Greg Bahnsen's view when he explains that Christians need to be ready to demonstrate the "impossibility of the contrary". Keep in mind that this is the trick the non-Christian uses. He often marginalizes the Christian into accepting his false presuppositions in order to look "neutral", but in truth, there is no such thing.
In Bahnsen's Always Ready, page 72, he stated:
So how is the Christian to view this? Are we to just be "reasonable" and accept their demands? The next paragraph Bahnsen wrote:
Now obviously the criticism that will be leveled here against the presuppositionalist is that non-Christians clearly reason and discover things all the time. However, that is not what is being argued by Bahnsen. It is simply an issue of consistency and the immoral view that men may be neutral in evaluating evidence.
To put it another way, man's problem is moral. He will take the evidence of the creation around him and twist his knowledge of the created order in order to suppress his knowledge of God.
Religion is a broad subject that includes creation myths, codes of morality, etc etc etc. Science doesn't do all that -- it is the narrow pursuit of objective truth. (My use of the t-word is your cue to pounce.) We close, asymptotically, on the best explanation for observed facts. Howie -- you believe what you like. I'll stick with my imperfect, humanistic scientific method as a tool for explaining physical reality. If you want to talk philosophy, we can do that too, but I insist that we include more than biblical quotes. There are many competing creation myths.
Now his definition of "objective truth" is probably synonymous with "observed facts". However, what most naturalistic materialists miss about presuppositional apologetics is that the Christian is challenging exactly that [or ought to be challenging that]. It is impossible to not start with some metaphysical premise while claiming to be merely naturalistic.
Please notice that he wanted me to accept his presuppositions by insisting that I go outside of God's revelation. So I would like to offer Greg Bahnsen's view when he explains that Christians need to be ready to demonstrate the "impossibility of the contrary". Keep in mind that this is the trick the non-Christian uses. He often marginalizes the Christian into accepting his false presuppositions in order to look "neutral", but in truth, there is no such thing.
In Bahnsen's Always Ready, page 72, he stated:
Eventually all argumentation terminates in some logically primitive starting point, a view or premise held as unquestionable.
So how is the Christian to view this? Are we to just be "reasonable" and accept their demands? The next paragraph Bahnsen wrote:
But now a problem obviously arises. If argument chains must eventually terminate, and if the believer and unbeliever have conflicting starting points how can apologetic debate ever be resolved. Since there are different primitive authorities in the realm of thought, does apologetics reduce to a blind, voluntaristic "will to believe"? Is the decision for or against the faith a mere matter of personal taste eventually? Well, the answer would have to be yes if the apologist contented himself merely with arguments and evidences for elected, isolated facts. But the answer is no if the Christian carries his argument beyond "the facts and nothing but the facts" to the level of self-evidencing presuppositions--the ultimate assumptions which select and interpret the facts.
At this level of conflict with the unbeliever the Christian must ask, what actually is the unquestionable and self-evidencing presupposition? Between believer and unbeliever, who actually has the most certain starting point for reasoning and experience? What is that presuppositional starting point? Here the Christian apologist, defending his ultimate presuppositions, must be prepared to argue the impossibility of the contrary--that is, to argue that the philosophic perspective of the unbeliever destroys meaning, intelligence, and the very possibility of knowledge, while the Christian faith provides the only framework and conditions for intelligible experience and rational certainty. The apologist must contend that the true starting point of thought cannot be other than God and His revealed Word, for no reasoning is possible apart from that ultimate authority. Here and only here does one find the genuinely unquestionable starting point.
Now obviously the criticism that will be leveled here against the presuppositionalist is that non-Christians clearly reason and discover things all the time. However, that is not what is being argued by Bahnsen. It is simply an issue of consistency and the immoral view that men may be neutral in evaluating evidence.
To put it another way, man's problem is moral. He will take the evidence of the creation around him and twist his knowledge of the created order in order to suppress his knowledge of God.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Evictionism, Babies Trespassing In the Womb?
Walter Block wrote a blog post and
posted a video at Lew Rockwell's Blog concerning abortion. He has tried
to come up with a third way to discuss the issue. He wrote:
Here is the video.
As a Christian, who is in the Libertarian camp, I must start with God's revelation. As a Christian, I must bow to the Lordship of Christ and His revelation first and foremost. Therefore, I find this argument most unhelpful. Although he imagines he is doing something different from the Pro-choice crowd, notice his stated premise that the fetus is trespassing into the womb. This premise is exactly the problem the Feminist movement has. Both thoughts are rejecting the created order.
It is the Creator of us all who has designed the creation. It is the Creator who has designed the family and how it is to come about and exist and perpetuate. Feminists have admittedly rejected the created order and have become irrational.
If Walter Block is going to argue for private property rights, does he not ground such a belief in the created order or natural law? Is this natural law or morality not established by the Creator? I realize that Libertarians make private property rights central in their political philosophy, but how do we do that to the exclusion of the family?
Several times throughout his video he mentions that this is a very complex issue. This seems to be synonymous with complicated. I'm sorry. There is nothing complex or complicated about the family. The nature of the family and how it is to be perpetuated is anything but difficult to understand. I'm not saying there are not difficult issues, but the basics I don't think are too difficult.
Now he does offer the case of rape as a violation of property rights into the woman's womb. The problem is that this is argued as a parallel for a normal situation of propagation. I hardly think there is any comparison. Another man's child that has invaded a family illegally and immorally through an heinous act should never be compared to the God given parameters.
To say the child is innocent does not mean it will by necessity have a free ride in this life. For instance, if a man driving down the street runs over my child playing in the street does not mean that I, the innocent dad, will somehow not pay for that accident. In the same way, one could argue that the child, though innocent of the act of rape, may end up being injured as a result of the crime committed by the rapist. But most in our nation, including Mr. Block, do not believe the innocent should pay for the crimes of their parents. So I will stop there for now.
Mr Block then uses a Utilitarian argument to save babies via technology. He also explains that the Prolife position is losing therefore we must do something different. But I can hardly understand how employing an ungrounded philosophical/utilitarian argument is a better route? When a culture rejects the created order, thereby suppressing the truth about its creator, from a Christian perspective, we should not turn to "reason" as some new ultimate authority to save us, but instead, expect the judgment of God. Is that not what we are seeing in our culture?
I respectfully disagree with Mr. Block. I think we must argue more persuasively by appealing to sound argumentation based in natural law. Our children are being raised in state schools which will always teach the morality of the State. Since the morality of the State is believed to be derived from itself and not the Creator, the suppression of the created order will only be further suppressed, creating a spiraling downward of rational thought and a populace easily controlled by the State.
If we are going to be practical or utilitarian, then perhaps the best and most practical way to reduce abortions is to rid our society of state schools.
1. The unborn fetus is trespassing into the womb of the woman.
2. The rights of all fetuses are equal.
3. Therefore, the only right choice would be evicting the fetus. Killing it would be wrong.
Here is the video.
As a Christian, who is in the Libertarian camp, I must start with God's revelation. As a Christian, I must bow to the Lordship of Christ and His revelation first and foremost. Therefore, I find this argument most unhelpful. Although he imagines he is doing something different from the Pro-choice crowd, notice his stated premise that the fetus is trespassing into the womb. This premise is exactly the problem the Feminist movement has. Both thoughts are rejecting the created order.
It is the Creator of us all who has designed the creation. It is the Creator who has designed the family and how it is to come about and exist and perpetuate. Feminists have admittedly rejected the created order and have become irrational.
If Walter Block is going to argue for private property rights, does he not ground such a belief in the created order or natural law? Is this natural law or morality not established by the Creator? I realize that Libertarians make private property rights central in their political philosophy, but how do we do that to the exclusion of the family?
Several times throughout his video he mentions that this is a very complex issue. This seems to be synonymous with complicated. I'm sorry. There is nothing complex or complicated about the family. The nature of the family and how it is to be perpetuated is anything but difficult to understand. I'm not saying there are not difficult issues, but the basics I don't think are too difficult.
Now he does offer the case of rape as a violation of property rights into the woman's womb. The problem is that this is argued as a parallel for a normal situation of propagation. I hardly think there is any comparison. Another man's child that has invaded a family illegally and immorally through an heinous act should never be compared to the God given parameters.
To say the child is innocent does not mean it will by necessity have a free ride in this life. For instance, if a man driving down the street runs over my child playing in the street does not mean that I, the innocent dad, will somehow not pay for that accident. In the same way, one could argue that the child, though innocent of the act of rape, may end up being injured as a result of the crime committed by the rapist. But most in our nation, including Mr. Block, do not believe the innocent should pay for the crimes of their parents. So I will stop there for now.
Mr Block then uses a Utilitarian argument to save babies via technology. He also explains that the Prolife position is losing therefore we must do something different. But I can hardly understand how employing an ungrounded philosophical/utilitarian argument is a better route? When a culture rejects the created order, thereby suppressing the truth about its creator, from a Christian perspective, we should not turn to "reason" as some new ultimate authority to save us, but instead, expect the judgment of God. Is that not what we are seeing in our culture?
I respectfully disagree with Mr. Block. I think we must argue more persuasively by appealing to sound argumentation based in natural law. Our children are being raised in state schools which will always teach the morality of the State. Since the morality of the State is believed to be derived from itself and not the Creator, the suppression of the created order will only be further suppressed, creating a spiraling downward of rational thought and a populace easily controlled by the State.
If we are going to be practical or utilitarian, then perhaps the best and most practical way to reduce abortions is to rid our society of state schools.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
A Word With 4-Pointers
Listen to internet radio with how2fish1689 on Blog Talk Radio
A friend of mine sent me a link to an article by Trevin Wax at the Gospel Coalition. I decided to interact with a couple of points in the article via a Podcast. I thought that this might save some time. It doesn't.
I also have realized that my editorial comment/excuse doesn't work since the offending statement is not in the main book but in the interview. I realize also that there is more to the article that needs to be discussed, but I only allotted myself 15 minutes. So that's all you get, and it's probably more than you want.
Here is a link to the Wax's article and a link to the interview.
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Church Membership part 4: Discipleship
I have been wondering about the approach I should take in answering my own questions about church life. So I though I'd approach it by asking two different but obviously related questions. What is the role of a disciple? And what is the role of a pastor? Let's deal with the first question in this post.
To be honest, I think the role of a disciple is quite simple (please notice I did not say easy). God in His Word has given to us the means of grace by which the Christian is to grow in his faith. According to Acts 2:42-47,
First, if you follow the reading of the text, the crowd had just listened to Peter's sermon. When they asked what should they do to be saved, Peter commands them to repent and be baptized. As followers of Christ, it is that simple. Repent and be baptized into the community of believers in Christ. Then "they" devoted themselves to the Apostle's teaching. In other words, they became listeners. They sat at the feet of those entrusted with the Gospel and submitted to God's Word. So the Gospel was announced in preaching and in the baptism and the new converts believed and identified themselves with Christ by repenting and being baptized.
The text goes on to mention that they broke bread. So as a community of baptized believers, and as other parts of the New Testament inform us, they took part of the Lord's Table. They fellow-shipped with each other using the means of grace God had provided including prayer and praise. There were no programs. No books on marriage. No 12 step self help program. The Apostles simply preached a message where they explained the law of God and then demonstrated how the law pointed us to Christ.
For example, we know in the NT that marriage is good and divorce is wrong based in the law in the created order, but the Apostles didn't stop there. They demonstrated what marriage was for in the first place. They used the Gospel and not the law to motivate the people of God to die to themselves. It was in praise of Christ and what He had accomplished that caused Christians to obey.
Which leads to the last point of the text. The Christians in Acts 2 did good works in meeting each others needs because they had sat at the table and heard from God in the presentation of Christ. They ate and had their spiritual fill. Because their needs were met through the means of grace that God had provided in preaching, baptism, Lord's Supper, prayer and praise, they then turned to make certain those who were in need had their needs met.
My point is that being a disciple is not a call to go change the world. It is a call to come out of the world while still living in it. It is a call to submit to Christ's Lordship. It is a call to recognize our true source of life in the words of Christ's Gospel. It is to gather together with the Saints and use the means of grace God has given to His people. It is to listen to what God has said and allow Him to change us with a message that is outside of us...a message of Christ and His finished work. By so doing, Christians will become the very Salt and Light that programs can never accomplish.
To be honest, I think the role of a disciple is quite simple (please notice I did not say easy). God in His Word has given to us the means of grace by which the Christian is to grow in his faith. According to Acts 2:42-47,
And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.
First, if you follow the reading of the text, the crowd had just listened to Peter's sermon. When they asked what should they do to be saved, Peter commands them to repent and be baptized. As followers of Christ, it is that simple. Repent and be baptized into the community of believers in Christ. Then "they" devoted themselves to the Apostle's teaching. In other words, they became listeners. They sat at the feet of those entrusted with the Gospel and submitted to God's Word. So the Gospel was announced in preaching and in the baptism and the new converts believed and identified themselves with Christ by repenting and being baptized.
The text goes on to mention that they broke bread. So as a community of baptized believers, and as other parts of the New Testament inform us, they took part of the Lord's Table. They fellow-shipped with each other using the means of grace God had provided including prayer and praise. There were no programs. No books on marriage. No 12 step self help program. The Apostles simply preached a message where they explained the law of God and then demonstrated how the law pointed us to Christ.
For example, we know in the NT that marriage is good and divorce is wrong based in the law in the created order, but the Apostles didn't stop there. They demonstrated what marriage was for in the first place. They used the Gospel and not the law to motivate the people of God to die to themselves. It was in praise of Christ and what He had accomplished that caused Christians to obey.
Which leads to the last point of the text. The Christians in Acts 2 did good works in meeting each others needs because they had sat at the table and heard from God in the presentation of Christ. They ate and had their spiritual fill. Because their needs were met through the means of grace that God had provided in preaching, baptism, Lord's Supper, prayer and praise, they then turned to make certain those who were in need had their needs met.
My point is that being a disciple is not a call to go change the world. It is a call to come out of the world while still living in it. It is a call to submit to Christ's Lordship. It is a call to recognize our true source of life in the words of Christ's Gospel. It is to gather together with the Saints and use the means of grace God has given to His people. It is to listen to what God has said and allow Him to change us with a message that is outside of us...a message of Christ and His finished work. By so doing, Christians will become the very Salt and Light that programs can never accomplish.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
To My Sisters
To My Sisters,
A devotion, a meditation on the events that have pierced our hearts and their relation to Christ as expounded to us by the writer to the Hebrews, especially chapter 2.
I have been meditating on the New Testament's teaching on the Resurrection. The text in Hebrews has been especially on my mind.
My eyes opened this morning to rays of sunlight surrounding the window shades. In my arms cuddled up to me were both my wife on the right side and my 5-year-old son on my left. I quickly considered the many blessings I have received in this life. Yet, in one sense, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I went to the window and pulled back the curtains and looked at the world. Men were still rising and going to work. The neighbors were watering/mowing their grass. The occasional clouds with possible storms made their way across the sky. The occasional ambulance call still went forth over my pager. The world seems to be as Peter's objectors/scoffers would say,
The thought is the same. The world is just moving along as it always has. Nothing has changed. People live their lives and then come to their end. No transcendent meaning except what ever meaning we think we may ascribe to it. The writer to the Hebrews however, reminds us that we do not have the eyes of natural man. We do not see the world as the one, who is blind to Christ.
I have often wondered if even we, Christians in general, truly believe fully what has happened. I have often wondered if we miss the the significance of the Resurrection. I know we all celebrate Easter year after year. But do we simply celebrate it as an historical even, or do we see its theological impact? In other words, do we really believe and understand what has happened nearly 2,000 years ago?
This morning, I did not rise and merely see a world passing by in a state that it has always existed. This morning, I woke up prepared to take my family to a cemetery and in a sense, bury a child. This child was my nephew/niece, my children's cousin, but more importantly, it was your child.
I don't have words of comfort. If I speak, I would probably say something as dumb as others that have offended you. As a man, I wish I could fix what has happened. Yet death is so final. It catches us by surprise and decimates our souls.
But again, I did not wake up looking at a world moving along as it always has. The writer to the Hebrews is very clear. The eyes of faith see the very same things the world sees and sees them radically different. We now live in the age of the Resurrection (at least Christ's Resurrection!). Christ Himself rules and governs the affairs of this world. The verse cited above are the results of the Resurrection. For instance, in the first verses of the letter, we are told Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father. We are told that all of the Angels worship Him. We are told that He is God in the flesh, and that He rules now and forever.
As we buried a child in that cemetery, I refuse to see this event, this tragedy, this family member, our little one, as just another meaningless death. I refuse to see this as merely God's wrath against sinners. We are in a sense like those in Hebrews 11, who were a "people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised".
We, on the other hand, have received, at least in part, that which was promised. We possess Christ! We no longer live as "separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world". Instead we live in the age where one, who claims to be the resurrection, has been raised from the dead. As Jesus said to Martha,
Do we believe this? Perhaps we are growing in our understanding of what our Savior means by this. The resurrection has in one sense already come. As Jesus teaches us in John 5,
In conclusion, I have never experienced death in the way you have. I just hope that as fellow believers, you will be encouraged by what God has revealed to His people. I refuse to believe your child has died apart from Christ's authority, and I agree with the London Baptist Confession when it states,
Jesus has all power to save anyone He wishes, including our children. He is the One who is the Final Judge. I trust He will do what is right and good. As we forever shed tears due to the pain God has inflicted upon our families, I pray we would all grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior and His Resurrection!
A devotion, a meditation on the events that have pierced our hearts and their relation to Christ as expounded to us by the writer to the Hebrews, especially chapter 2.
I have been meditating on the New Testament's teaching on the Resurrection. The text in Hebrews has been especially on my mind.
Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control. At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him. 9 But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.
My eyes opened this morning to rays of sunlight surrounding the window shades. In my arms cuddled up to me were both my wife on the right side and my 5-year-old son on my left. I quickly considered the many blessings I have received in this life. Yet, in one sense, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I went to the window and pulled back the curtains and looked at the world. Men were still rising and going to work. The neighbors were watering/mowing their grass. The occasional clouds with possible storms made their way across the sky. The occasional ambulance call still went forth over my pager. The world seems to be as Peter's objectors/scoffers would say,
They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”
The thought is the same. The world is just moving along as it always has. Nothing has changed. People live their lives and then come to their end. No transcendent meaning except what ever meaning we think we may ascribe to it. The writer to the Hebrews however, reminds us that we do not have the eyes of natural man. We do not see the world as the one, who is blind to Christ.
I have often wondered if even we, Christians in general, truly believe fully what has happened. I have often wondered if we miss the the significance of the Resurrection. I know we all celebrate Easter year after year. But do we simply celebrate it as an historical even, or do we see its theological impact? In other words, do we really believe and understand what has happened nearly 2,000 years ago?
This morning, I did not rise and merely see a world passing by in a state that it has always existed. This morning, I woke up prepared to take my family to a cemetery and in a sense, bury a child. This child was my nephew/niece, my children's cousin, but more importantly, it was your child.
I don't have words of comfort. If I speak, I would probably say something as dumb as others that have offended you. As a man, I wish I could fix what has happened. Yet death is so final. It catches us by surprise and decimates our souls.
But again, I did not wake up looking at a world moving along as it always has. The writer to the Hebrews is very clear. The eyes of faith see the very same things the world sees and sees them radically different. We now live in the age of the Resurrection (at least Christ's Resurrection!). Christ Himself rules and governs the affairs of this world. The verse cited above are the results of the Resurrection. For instance, in the first verses of the letter, we are told Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father. We are told that all of the Angels worship Him. We are told that He is God in the flesh, and that He rules now and forever.
As we buried a child in that cemetery, I refuse to see this event, this tragedy, this family member, our little one, as just another meaningless death. I refuse to see this as merely God's wrath against sinners. We are in a sense like those in Hebrews 11, who were a "people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised".
We, on the other hand, have received, at least in part, that which was promised. We possess Christ! We no longer live as "separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world". Instead we live in the age where one, who claims to be the resurrection, has been raised from the dead. As Jesus said to Martha,
“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Do we believe this? Perhaps we are growing in our understanding of what our Savior means by this. The resurrection has in one sense already come. As Jesus teaches us in John 5,
“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself. And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man.
In conclusion, I have never experienced death in the way you have. I just hope that as fellow believers, you will be encouraged by what God has revealed to His people. I refuse to believe your child has died apart from Christ's authority, and I agree with the London Baptist Confession when it states,
Elect infants dying in infancy are regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit; who works when, and where, and how He pleases; so also are all elect persons, who are incapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the Word.
Jesus has all power to save anyone He wishes, including our children. He is the One who is the Final Judge. I trust He will do what is right and good. As we forever shed tears due to the pain God has inflicted upon our families, I pray we would all grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior and His Resurrection!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Church Membership part 3: Consistency
I wanted to establish in my last post, whether or not I did well, is that I firmly believe salvation does not exist outside of the church. We are not saved outside the context of the church. Jesus died for the church and purchased it with His blood.
As one whose theology is within the Reformed Baptist camp, the struggle comes within how to be a member within a local church when such radical differences exist in theology in the area in which I live. For example, is it a proper thing to take your family to church only to have to constantly explain to your kids on the way home that such and such was wrong? Perhaps the Pastor used the poor illustration of George Wilson's pardon? Perhaps there was dancing or a skit in violation of the Regulative Principle (read john Frame's article here). Perhaps the constant form of preaching is topical and lacks any exegesis on a consistent basis causing people to read the Bible poorly. Perhaps some people receive a "word" (in the charismatic sense) from the Lord and decide to share it. Perhaps there is no Confession at all to which the people agree.
As one who agrees with the 1689 London Baptist Confession, looking for consistency is quite difficult. And bringing this consistency to my family is even more so. The reason why we attend First Baptist in St. Francis is that the church is Confessional and adheres to the 1689 Confession. They attempt to practice and be consistent with the Regulative Principle of Worship in how they approach formal worship. The pastor often preaches through books and attempts to have exegetically based, expository sermons (which he does extremely well I might add). While driving home I love being able to ask my children to recount the points my pastor raises during his sermon and discussing them. I desire to bring spiritual health to my family, and I believe having sound and consistent doctrine taught to them is of vital importance.
But getting to St. Francis on a regular and consistent basis simply isn't practical. Even if we do, they would not be the same people we interact with on any regular basis during the week. Not that that is necessary, but having an RB church down the street is vastly different from having one nearly 140 miles away.
This is a spiritual health issue. Although most churches do teach the law of God in some fashion, many churches teach some kind of moralistic/therapeutic philosophical self help methods of living a healthy life with Jesus' Name attached on the back side just to give it approval much in the same way we end our selfish prayers with "in the Name of Jesus" just to make certain it goes through.
I am not interested in moralisms. I am not interested in fighting the world of politics, Left or Right or whatever. I am not interested in hearing a 5 part sermon series on the biblical definition of the family verses the world's or a 5 part series on how to save your marriage or make it better (as important as that may be). I am not interested in fighting alcohol or drugs or gambling as damaging to lives those things can be. I am not interested in substituting youth groups for 4-H or Boy Scouts because it has the Jesus stamp of approval.
I am interested in a consistent presentation of the Gospel and being discipled and making disciples. And it is to that I turn in my next post.
As one whose theology is within the Reformed Baptist camp, the struggle comes within how to be a member within a local church when such radical differences exist in theology in the area in which I live. For example, is it a proper thing to take your family to church only to have to constantly explain to your kids on the way home that such and such was wrong? Perhaps the Pastor used the poor illustration of George Wilson's pardon? Perhaps there was dancing or a skit in violation of the Regulative Principle (read john Frame's article here). Perhaps the constant form of preaching is topical and lacks any exegesis on a consistent basis causing people to read the Bible poorly. Perhaps some people receive a "word" (in the charismatic sense) from the Lord and decide to share it. Perhaps there is no Confession at all to which the people agree.
As one who agrees with the 1689 London Baptist Confession, looking for consistency is quite difficult. And bringing this consistency to my family is even more so. The reason why we attend First Baptist in St. Francis is that the church is Confessional and adheres to the 1689 Confession. They attempt to practice and be consistent with the Regulative Principle of Worship in how they approach formal worship. The pastor often preaches through books and attempts to have exegetically based, expository sermons (which he does extremely well I might add). While driving home I love being able to ask my children to recount the points my pastor raises during his sermon and discussing them. I desire to bring spiritual health to my family, and I believe having sound and consistent doctrine taught to them is of vital importance.
But getting to St. Francis on a regular and consistent basis simply isn't practical. Even if we do, they would not be the same people we interact with on any regular basis during the week. Not that that is necessary, but having an RB church down the street is vastly different from having one nearly 140 miles away.
This is a spiritual health issue. Although most churches do teach the law of God in some fashion, many churches teach some kind of moralistic/therapeutic philosophical self help methods of living a healthy life with Jesus' Name attached on the back side just to give it approval much in the same way we end our selfish prayers with "in the Name of Jesus" just to make certain it goes through.
I am not interested in moralisms. I am not interested in fighting the world of politics, Left or Right or whatever. I am not interested in hearing a 5 part sermon series on the biblical definition of the family verses the world's or a 5 part series on how to save your marriage or make it better (as important as that may be). I am not interested in fighting alcohol or drugs or gambling as damaging to lives those things can be. I am not interested in substituting youth groups for 4-H or Boy Scouts because it has the Jesus stamp of approval.
I am interested in a consistent presentation of the Gospel and being discipled and making disciples. And it is to that I turn in my next post.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Church Membership part 2: What Is It?
Now many good books have been written, even recently, on the subject of the church. This truly is a great thing. As I mentioned last time, so many people treat the church as a pair of slippers to be put on when one feels like it. However, this should not be our attitude. Yet with so many scandals within the church, how do we avoid such a mentality in a nation where we have such freedom to go wherever we like.
A few years back, a friend of mine explained to me that he quit going to church because his pastor had raised a lot of money from the parishioners, including him, and absconded with the money. When I explained to him that perhaps God was using these events to teach him wisdom and to get him to think about theology and a sound church [he was more charismatic]. That wasn't even a consideration. Perhaps God was testing him to see if he had faith at all? Whatever God may have been doing in his life, we need to do the obvious. We need to look at what Christ has to say. After all, it is His church.
It really is that simple. Christ founded His church, is building His church, and is coming again for His church. The church isn't just some mental exercise that people discuss. It isn't some building down the street made of mortar. It is His body. In Matthew 16 Jesus explains Peter's confession about who He is.
Now I realize that my Roman Catholic friends see this in a perpetual installation of Popes that mark the church. It is here we must see the difference between passing the torch [so to speak] via natural means verses such as what John explains in his Gospel.
Protestantism recognizes that the church exists where ever the Gospel is preached, the sacraments/ordinances followed and perhaps church discipline [that is debated] and true believers gather together. The Gospel isn't passed on through an institution that resembles a business. It is passed on through faithful men.
Christianity doesn't perpetuate itself necessarily through our children. Although God may be pleased to bless faithful parents by bringing their children to faith. This isn't necessarily the case. Just because another generation comes along and says it is Christian, doesn't make it Christian.
Again in John chapter 3 Jesus states very clearly,
Again, the Spirit gives birth to believers. So the church is made of those who have been given new life through the preaching of the Gospel. But this is not individualistic. We are not saved to be a bunch of Lone Rangers. Instead, Jesus is creating a new humanity that is united in Him.
What effect should this have on the believer. He should recognize that the church exists because Christ has purposed it to exist. He should recognize that just as we are all born in Adam and united to him through natural means of propagation, we are united to Christ and all of His spiritual descendants through supernatural means.
The believer should recognize that the institution of the church is not some merely human organization, but an organization that is created by Jesus through His Spirit. It is a living organization that resembles a body. Just as any body, the parts are dependent upon each other and all look tot he Head, so too we must all learn to love one another and together look to our Savior.
Now there is obviously the many and finer points of theology that I am not going to go through in this post. Suffice it to say that the church of Jesus Christ is not an option for the believer simply because of what it is. It is Christ's body.
A few years back, a friend of mine explained to me that he quit going to church because his pastor had raised a lot of money from the parishioners, including him, and absconded with the money. When I explained to him that perhaps God was using these events to teach him wisdom and to get him to think about theology and a sound church [he was more charismatic]. That wasn't even a consideration. Perhaps God was testing him to see if he had faith at all? Whatever God may have been doing in his life, we need to do the obvious. We need to look at what Christ has to say. After all, it is His church.
It really is that simple. Christ founded His church, is building His church, and is coming again for His church. The church isn't just some mental exercise that people discuss. It isn't some building down the street made of mortar. It is His body. In Matthew 16 Jesus explains Peter's confession about who He is.
Mat 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Now I realize that my Roman Catholic friends see this in a perpetual installation of Popes that mark the church. It is here we must see the difference between passing the torch [so to speak] via natural means verses such as what John explains in his Gospel.
Joh 1:13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
Protestantism recognizes that the church exists where ever the Gospel is preached, the sacraments/ordinances followed and perhaps church discipline [that is debated] and true believers gather together. The Gospel isn't passed on through an institution that resembles a business. It is passed on through faithful men.
Christianity doesn't perpetuate itself necessarily through our children. Although God may be pleased to bless faithful parents by bringing their children to faith. This isn't necessarily the case. Just because another generation comes along and says it is Christian, doesn't make it Christian.
Again in John chapter 3 Jesus states very clearly,
Joh 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Again, the Spirit gives birth to believers. So the church is made of those who have been given new life through the preaching of the Gospel. But this is not individualistic. We are not saved to be a bunch of Lone Rangers. Instead, Jesus is creating a new humanity that is united in Him.
1Co 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
1Co 12:13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--Jews or Greeks, slaves or free--and all were made to drink of one Spirit.
What effect should this have on the believer. He should recognize that the church exists because Christ has purposed it to exist. He should recognize that just as we are all born in Adam and united to him through natural means of propagation, we are united to Christ and all of His spiritual descendants through supernatural means.
The believer should recognize that the institution of the church is not some merely human organization, but an organization that is created by Jesus through His Spirit. It is a living organization that resembles a body. Just as any body, the parts are dependent upon each other and all look tot he Head, so too we must all learn to love one another and together look to our Savior.
Now there is obviously the many and finer points of theology that I am not going to go through in this post. Suffice it to say that the church of Jesus Christ is not an option for the believer simply because of what it is. It is Christ's body.
Monday, April 09, 2012
Church Membership: part 1: Its Personal
The question of church membership was posed to me this weekend. Now some people may not think much about church membership. Hey, if you go to church, what’s the big deal about being a member? Some people treat church membership in a way that makes church just one place to go and worship. I can worship in my home or when I go camping in the woods or while driving my car. But as my friend, Dr. White, often says, “Inconsistency is the sign of a failed argument.” We really ought to be concerned about what Christ and His Apostles have to say about His church.
Now this is not an easy question to discuss for me since I have been personally struggling with church membership for the last couple of years. This is not some mere academic exercise, but a real life situation that I have been living. Over the last couple of years, I have seen several people struggle and some having fallen away from church. So again, this is real life and has real life impact on ourselves and our families.
A few years back I decided to move my membership to another Baptist church that is consistent with my Reformed Baptistic theological beliefs. The major problem with the decision I had made was that the church was literally over 2 hours away. With the price of gas, this has made going to church on a regular and consistent basis a major hardship. Another difficulty is that I have always believed that if it possible, one ought to attend a church in one’s community.
A third difficulty is that of offending friends and relatives, especially former church members in the church I used to attend. I want to be clear. I do not think that other denominations are somehow evil. But for the same reasons (hopefully) that a person who is not theologically Reformed would not want to attend an RB church, are the same reasons I am trying to be consistent in this area.
Being in the Reformed Baptist camp theologically has placed me in quite the bind. Since there are no Reformed Baptist churches in Scott City, how should I interact or work with local churches? For many, this may seem like a silly question, but as one who takes theology very seriously this is a far bigger problem than most realize till I have offended someone with some theological viewpoint.
For example, my father-in-law is one of the associate pastors/elders at the First Christian Church in Scott City. I know this terrific man would love for me and my family to attend regularly in his church. I know he would love to have me help in teaching youth or high school groups in some way. Yet if I were to do so, would I not cause offense rather quickly? (Something I am trying to avoid.) Reformed theology isn’t just some academic exercise. It is a rigorous and systematic theological thought that has a great impact on one’s life and how one approaches ministry.
So for the last couple of years, I have tried to find that balance where I might go to church within the area of Scott City and yet still attend as a member of FBC, St. Francis. Over these couple of years I have not found this balance profitable and not being a member within a local church in the local area has, I think, impacted my life negatively. Yet how to deal with this has been the most perplexing question in my entire Christian life.
Hopefully, I will be able to post some thoughts on my views of church membership over the next few posts and also evaluate my own situation. Perhaps together, some conversations may be started and some wisdom may be gained by thinking through what Scripture has to say about this very important subject.
Monday, March 26, 2012
United In Christ
Greg Nichols’ Covenant Theology states something very interesting.
“God’s covenant with David is unique. It crowns the Mosaic economy and organically binds it to the Christian economy (Jer 33:15,17). God’s covenant with Jesus, David’s heir, fulfills the Davidic covenant."
He expands this and concludes at the end,
"God fulfills his redemptive favor to his people in the Christian economy. It is the ultimate set of God’s covenants with his people. He makes the Messianic covenant with Jesus and the new covenant with his people, Jesus’ posterity, through the mediation of Jesus. In this mediation Christ evangelically reforms and spiritually transforms God’s people. The Abrahamic also provides the framework for this Messianic transformation. By gospel transformation Christ spiritually transforms God’s people from Hebrew Israel under the old covenant to Christian Israel under the new."
The point is simple and yet very profound. There are not two peoples of God, the church and national Israel, as many Dispensationalists claim. Instead, there is one people of God, both Jew and Gentile, united in Christ.
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